Tobacco Barns In Coopertown Will Be Smoking – When To Call 911

Coopertown, Tennessee

(NewsChannel 5, 2017)

Coopertown is home to many tobacco farmers and this time of the year our dispatchers receive numerous calls for barns on fire. Tobacco barns will smoke and that is often a normal occurrence. If the smoke from the barn is white or very light gray, it is likely a tobacco barn and is usually not cause for concern. If the smoke is dark or black and/or there are visible flames, that is certainly cause to call 911.

Dark, black smoke and visible flames from a tobacco barn fire – Call 911
(Face of Malawi, 2016)

From the picture above, you can see the smoke is dark and black. Additionally, there are clearly visible flames. This would certainly be cause to call 911.

White or light gray smoke from a tobacco barn. No visible flames or dark smoke.
(Swann, R., 2013)

In the photo above, you can see the smoke is light colored. White or light gray smoke, like pictured above, without the presence of dark, black smoke or visible flames, is generally not cause for concern. However, if you are ever in doubt, never hesitate to call 911 if you suspect the barn is actually on fire. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

(UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, 2017)


Face of Malawi. (2016, April 12). Woman arrested for torching tobacco worth MK2.2 million.

NewsChannel 5. (2017, September 13). Tobacco curing season causes influx of 911 calls.

Swann, R. (2013, November 20). Robertson County tobacco heritage.

UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2017, February 24). dark fired tobacco.