Officer Brown awarded Coopertown Police Commendation Bar

Officer Brown received the Coopertown Police Commendation Bar

May 25, 2021 – Coopertown, Tennessee

During the Coopertown Board of Mayor and Alderman (BOMA) meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, Officer Kayleigh Brown was recognized for her outstanding performance during a motorist assist on I-24. Officer Brown had assisted stranded motorists on I-24 earlier this year and discovered they were waiting on a tow truck to arrive. In addition to checking to see if the motorists were okay, she returned later to check on them and brought them water. The couple later came to Town Hall to express their appreciation for Officer Brown’s assistance and concern.

Coopertown, Tennessee – Officer Brown was awarded the Coopertown Police Commendation Bar on May 25, 2021.

Officer Kayleigh Brown was awarded the Coopertown Police Department Commendation Bar as she has, through outstanding police work, reflected great credit upon herself, the Coopertown Police Department, and the Town of Coopertown.