Coopertown Police Promote New Lieutenant

Coopertown, Tennessee

On Thursday, August 1, 2024, Coopertown Police Chief Tyler Haley was proud to promote Officer Troy Hickman to the rank of Lieutenant, overseeing patrol operations. Lieutenant Hickman’s wife was in attendance during the promotion ceremony and had the honor of pinning on his new badge and rank.

Mrs. Hickman attended the promotion ceremony and had the honor of pinning on her husband’s new badge and rank.

Lieutenant Hickman has been with Coopertown Police since September of 2023. He brought a wealth of law enforcement experience to Coopertown, as he has a bachelor’s degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management, served 16 years with Military Police in the United States Marine Corps, 10 years of experience as a Police Officer in California, and worked with the Tennessee Department of Corrections, prior to coming to Coopertown.

Chief Tyler Haley swore in Troy Hickman as a newly appointed Lieutenant for Coopertown Police on August 1, 2024.
Mrs. Hickman pins on Lieutenant rank on her husband.