Coopertown, TN
Coopertown Police Department is partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) for “Operation Southern Slow Down.” The purpose of this multi-jurisdictional campaign is to increase enforcement from July 17 to July 23 to reduce speeding across the Southeast. Other participating states will include Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina. During this campaign, CPD will increase education, awareness, and enforcement efforts to help reduce speeding-related crashes, injuries, and fatalities across Tennessee. In Coopertown, speed is our number one factor in reference to serious injury crashes and fatalities. As Speed goes up, Survival goes down.
Hello to all who are reading this message. As you have already read, Coopertown officers are going to be out conducting traffic enforcement during the dates above. This traffic initiative is to slow people down and make our roadways safe. The higher the speed in a crash the more likely there is for serious injury to include death. One of our duties in law enforcement is to educate and inform the public and to better serve the community as a whole. CPD conducts traffic enforcement year around and we will be out during the listed dates to help slow down drivers. Some of you state it’s time for money so officers are writing tickets, this is not true. Money has nothing to do with us out trying to get people to drive at a safe speed. First Responders respond to crashes on a daily basis and a lot of them could be avoided by simply slowing down and not driving distracted. Our goal is to reduce the number of crashes in our city by informing the public of the dangers of speeding, distracted driving and driving impaired. Please consider your loved ones when operating a vehicle, drive with due regard for others on the roadway and make it safe to your destination. That text, tweet, Facebook scroll or YouTube swipe can wait, it’s not worth your life or an innocent person. In saying this, thank you to those who make our roadways safe and continue to drive in a safe manner that allows people to get to where they are going safely. Remember, as Speed goes up, Survival goes down. I pray you all have a blessed week.
Chief Haley
Coopertown Police Department
The State of Tennessee requires motorists to always exercise due care and maintain a safe speed while driving. Speed limits may vary depending on the county and road conditions; therefore, drivers must always pay attention and adhere to posted speed limits to ensure the safety of all roadway users. For more information, please visit