Springfield, Tennessee
On December 15, 2021, Coopertown Police, in cooperation with Robertson County Schools, hosted a Shop With A Cop event to help ensure children in Coopertown had a memorable Christmas this year. The event was made possible through generous donations from the community, local businesses, and Coopertown employees. Some of the donations were raised during the Coopertown 25th Anniversary Celebration where Coopertown Police hosted a dunking booth, accepting donations to support the Shop With A Cop event.

Children from Coopertown Elementary and Middle schools were brought to WalMart in Springfield by bus. Once there, the children were partnered with Coopertown Police Officers, Coopertown Mayor Becca Werner, Coopertown Alderman Randee Masters, Town of Coopertown Employees, and other volunteers to help the children shop. WalMart designated a register specifically for the event and refreshments were made available. Afterwards, the children were treated to Happy Meals, courtesy of McDonalds in Springfield.

Shop With A Cop was a way for Coopertown Police to help ensure underprivileged children were able to have gifts this Christmas season. The event also helped foster a positive influence between our community’s youth and our law enforcement.