Coopertown, Tennessee
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Coopertown Mayor Becca Werner spoke with Sergeant Jackson of Coopertown Police about domestic violence to learn how to recognize when friends or loved ones are possibly being abused and what resources are available for domestic violence victims in Coopertown and Robertson County, Tennessee.
Mayor Werner asked Sergeant Jackson to describe what a victim of domestic violence may experience. “There’s a cycle that has three components in it. The first cycle is tension building” Sergeant Jackson explains. “The second cycle is called the acute explosion,” a part of the cycle of violence where physical violence may occur. “After all of that it’s called the Honeymoon Stage, meaning that the abuser will apologize and say it’s not my fault – even try to blame the victim” says Jackson.

Mayor Werner pointed out that domestic abuse isn’t always a physical assault, explaining that abusers may often resort to mental or verbal abuse. “I’ve also seen where it can be mental manipulation in relationships” says Werner. The Mayor asked if there were signs people can see that would indicate a person may be a victim of domestic abuse.

Sergeant Jackson explained that some of the signs a person is abusing someone may be by exhibiting jealousy, keeping the victim isolated, controlling finances, and/or making threats of violence. Some physical signs may or may not be noticed. Sometimes abusers may assault their victims on areas that aren’t always visible.
Reporting a suspicion of domestic abuse can remain anonymous. There are many resources available.
For Emergencies
Dial 911
For Non-Emergencies in Coopertown or Robertson County, Tennessee
Dial 615-384-4911
Robertson County Domestic Violence Helpline
Dial 615-452-4315
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Dial 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
For updated custody status and criminal case information
Resource for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault
180 Turning Lives Around. (2020). Signs and symptoms of strangulation [image].×750.jpg
Domestic Violence Resource Center. (2017). The cycle of violence [image].